This past Saturday on a cold and foggy morning in Sacramento, people awaited the last clue of the Sac Treasure Hunt to be tweeted at 9 AM.
At stake was over $1,500 in prizes for one lucky treasure hunter!
Once the last clue was sent, it wasn't long before someone found the secret location (9:07 AM was the first arrival) and over the course of the next ninety minutes or so 9 other people found the secret location!
So here is how all the clues led to the secret location. All clues were given out daily last week via the Sac Treasure Hunt twitter page:
1st Clue: Channel Deirdre Fitzpatrick is on
Answer: 3
2nd Clue: A Nobel Prize Winner
Answer: Guglielmo Marconi
(Several major streets in the Arden area are named after famous inventors, Guglielmo Marconi was one of those and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909)
Jersey number of Zach Schrader (In college at Sac State added later)
Answer: 4
4th Clue: Where people watch
Answer: Jiffy Lube
(This clue seemed to really throw a twist into people's thought process, as most people thought about movie theaters, parks, etc...however people do watch their vehicles getting worked on at Jiffy Lube.)
5th Clue: Synonym for street
Answer: Avenue
Last clue: The square root of 2209
Answer: 47
Extra clue: Last name of Nobel Prize winner for Physics in 1909
Answer: Marconi
After the last clue was tweeted it was only a matter of time before all the treasure hunters put the answers together to get a street address of some kind which led them to the secret location of the Sac Treasure Hunt chest; Jiffy Lube at 3447 Marconi Avenue in Sacramento.
Once the treasure hunters arrived they had to write down the correct daily keywords to have a 1 in 10 chance of opening the treasure chest.
Please view the Sac Treasure Hunt video to see how it all ended, some good drama and tension free of charge!
After it was all over we enjoyed an AMAZING Treasure Chest cake done by Kristy (@cakegrrl), it was so real, yet so delicious too!
Congrats to the 10 winners, they braved the cold and were an enthusiastic group who all left with great prizes from our sponsors!
Thanks to all those who participated and supported the STH on twitter with daily tweets and RT's!
Special thanks to our generous sponsors: Round Table Pizza, Quick Quack Car Wash, Jiffy Lube, Sacramento River Cats and Del Taco.
The 2nd Sac Treasure Hunt will be in March, so be sure to follow us on twitter for all the details and clues!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Contents of the Sac Treasure Hunt Chest

The contents of the Sac Treasure Hunt Chest....who will find the secret location on Saturday and choose the correct key out of the 10 to open the lock...will it be you?
Read the STH prizes blog to get all the details....and remember those daily keywords!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Sac treasure Hunt - 5th Clue
The Sac Treasure Hunt 5th Clue: Synonym for street.
Keywords for Friday: Jiffy Lube
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Keywords for Friday: Jiffy Lube
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sac Treasure Hunt 4th Clue
The Sac Treasure Hunt 4th Clue: Where people watch.
Keywords for Thursday: River Cats
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Keywords for Thursday: River Cats
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sac Treasure Hunt 3rd Clue
The Sac Treasure Hunt 3rd Clue: Jersey Number of Zack Schrader (In College for Sac State Hornets).
Keywords for Wednesday: Round Table Pizza
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Keywords for Wednesday: Round Table Pizza
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and receive a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sac Treasure Hunt 2nd Clue
The Sac Treasure Hunt 2nd Clue: A Nobel Prize Winner.
Keyword for Tuesday: Sacramento
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and get a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Keyword for Tuesday: Sacramento
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and get a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Sac Treasure Hunt 1st Clue
The Sac Treasure Hunt 1st Clue: Channel Deirdre Fitzpatrick is on.
Keywords for Monday: Quick Quack Car Wash
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and get a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Keywords for Monday: Quick Quack Car Wash
Remember, the daily clues will help you figure out the secret location of the treasure chest on Saturday. You must know the keyword(s) for each day as well if you are one of the first 10 people to find the location and get a key to try and open the chest, so please keep track of them!
Best of luck!
STH Team
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sac Treasure Hunt FAQ's
We have received some emails the past few days asking some interesting questions, so we thought it would be best to make some clarifications for all who will be participating in the 1st Sac Treasure Hunt on Monday.
Will the treasure chest be buried under ground? Will I need to bring a shovel or other digging items? No, the treasure chest will not be buried under ground, therefore no digging/excavating equipment is necessary.
If I win the grand prize do I need a large truck or car to haul the treasure chest away? Can somone help me load it? No need for a large vehicle, the treasure chest will fit inside any vehicle (and could possibly be used for magazine, toy or blanket storage later!). We would be happy to load it into your vehicle if you are the grand prize winner.
I work on Saturdays and can't participate for the treasure chest prizes, do I have to be present to win or get the daily retweet prizes if I win that? No, the daily retweet prizes will be mailed to you and you do not have to be present on Saturday to pick up any prize you might win from retweeting.
Can I bring my kids? Sure, you may bring anyone you like, however only people over 18 are eligible to win prizes.
Could you please give me a hint on what kind of place the treasure chest could be located, Greater Sacramento is a huge area? The treasure chest could be located at a park, a school, a place of business, etc...just follow the clues to figure it out!
Should I buy a map or something to figure out the clues and treasure location? We don't think purchasing a map is necessary. Putting all the clues (letters, numbers, questions, answers, hints, etc.) together correctly will lead you to the treasure chest location.
Will the treasure chest be buried under ground? Will I need to bring a shovel or other digging items? No, the treasure chest will not be buried under ground, therefore no digging/excavating equipment is necessary.
If I win the grand prize do I need a large truck or car to haul the treasure chest away? Can somone help me load it? No need for a large vehicle, the treasure chest will fit inside any vehicle (and could possibly be used for magazine, toy or blanket storage later!). We would be happy to load it into your vehicle if you are the grand prize winner.
I work on Saturdays and can't participate for the treasure chest prizes, do I have to be present to win or get the daily retweet prizes if I win that? No, the daily retweet prizes will be mailed to you and you do not have to be present on Saturday to pick up any prize you might win from retweeting.
Can I bring my kids? Sure, you may bring anyone you like, however only people over 18 are eligible to win prizes.
Could you please give me a hint on what kind of place the treasure chest could be located, Greater Sacramento is a huge area? The treasure chest could be located at a park, a school, a place of business, etc...just follow the clues to figure it out!
Should I buy a map or something to figure out the clues and treasure location? We don't think purchasing a map is necessary. Putting all the clues (letters, numbers, questions, answers, hints, etc.) together correctly will lead you to the treasure chest location.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
1st Sac Treasure Hunt - Prizes and Sponsors
The Sac Treasure Hunt is very happy to have such generous prize sponsors for the first event next week.
There are two ways you can win and receive prizes: being one of the first 100 people to find the secret location of the treasure chest and or by retweeting the clues on a daily basis.
The Grand Prize Winner (the one who's key opens the treasure chest!) will receive the following prizes from our sponsors:
$500 in AMEX gift checks and a Flip Video MinoHD with 8GB from the Sac Treasure Hunt team.
3 months of unlimited FREE car washes from Quick Quack Car Wash.
Over $200 in gift certificates from Jiffy Lube.
Free baseball tickets to the Sacramento River Cats.
Free pizzas from Round Table Pizza.
$50 in gift cards to Del Taco.
....and a few other items!
2nd thru 9th Place:
Each will receive a STH goodie bag with gift cards, free items and prizes from our sponsors.
11th thru 100th Place
Each will receive a special offer or coupon from our sponsors.
Retweeting the daily clues:
Every night at 9 PM, Monday thru Friday of the STH week, someone will be randomly selected who has retweeted the daily morning clue that same day.
Only 1 retweet is necessary to be eligible for the daily prize (note: numerous retweets will not help your chances of winning and may offend your followers!)
Daily prizes for retweeting will be from our sponsors and announced each day.
Best of luck to all...
STH Team
There are two ways you can win and receive prizes: being one of the first 100 people to find the secret location of the treasure chest and or by retweeting the clues on a daily basis.
The Grand Prize Winner (the one who's key opens the treasure chest!) will receive the following prizes from our sponsors:
$500 in AMEX gift checks and a Flip Video MinoHD with 8GB from the Sac Treasure Hunt team.
3 months of unlimited FREE car washes from Quick Quack Car Wash.
Over $200 in gift certificates from Jiffy Lube.
Free baseball tickets to the Sacramento River Cats.
Free pizzas from Round Table Pizza.
$50 in gift cards to Del Taco.
....and a few other items!
2nd thru 9th Place:
Each will receive a STH goodie bag with gift cards, free items and prizes from our sponsors.
11th thru 100th Place
Each will receive a special offer or coupon from our sponsors.
Retweeting the daily clues:
Every night at 9 PM, Monday thru Friday of the STH week, someone will be randomly selected who has retweeted the daily morning clue that same day.
Only 1 retweet is necessary to be eligible for the daily prize (note: numerous retweets will not help your chances of winning and may offend your followers!)
Daily prizes for retweeting will be from our sponsors and announced each day.
Best of luck to all...
STH Team
Sac Treasure Hunt - How It All Works
The 1st Sac Treasure Hunt will start next Monday, January 11th and end on Saturday the 16th. The STH is a fun and interactive game that is open to everyone over the age of 18; and takes place in the Greater Sacramento area. Simply just follow the clues on twitter and find the secret treasure location at the end.
Here's how the STH will work:
1. First, make sure to sign up for a twitter account ( if you don't already have one; as all clues will originate from our twitter page.
2. Once signed up for a twitter page, be sure to follow us at to look for the daily clues that will be given each morning the week of the STH at 9 AM PST. All STH's will start on a Monday and end on Saturday of the same week.
3. Daily clues and keyword(s) will be given each day, Monday thru Friday, and the last clue will be given on that Saturday at 9 AM as well. Clues could be numbers or letters, questions or answers, general Sacramento trivia or maybe something on another website. You will never have to go any where or purchase anything to get a clue, just follow our twitter account for them.
4. Put all the clues together to figure out where the treasure is located after the last clue on Saturday. The actual treasure will not be put in place until Saturday, so if you think you figured the location out beforehand, just wait till Saturday to go and find it.
5. You will also need to remember all the keywords from each specific day (hint: write them down each day and keep them in order).
6. The first 10 people who show up at the secret treasure location on Saturday between 9 AM and 11 AM, and have the correct keywords, will then choose 1 of 10 keys in order of how they arrived; for one of the keys will open the lock of the treasure chest! The next 100 people who show up will receive special offers from our sponsors (such as gift cards or coupons).
7. Once all 10 keys have been accounted for, each key holder in order will then attempt to open the treasure chest. When the treasure chest is finally opened by one of the key holders, the hunt is officially over at that time. (This part of the STH may be filmed to later publish online so everyone can see the drama of 9 keys not working and only 1 working!)
8. The treasure chest will contain prizes and items from local businesses in the Greater Sacramento area. Over $2,500 in total prizes will be given away for the 1st STH. Be sure to read the Prizes and Sponsors post for all the information.
9. The 2nd thru 9th place participants will receive a Sac Treasure Hunt goodie bag that contains free gifts and prizes as well; so all 10 of the key holders will win something for finding the secret treasure chest location first.
10. As noted previously above, the 11th thru 100th people who find the secret treasure chest location will receive special coupons and offers from our be one of the first 100 people to receive something special on Saturday!
Rules and Conditions:
Must be 18 years and older to participant in the STH. 1st thru 10th place winners must show photo ID and or proof of age to collect prize as well as fill out a simple form with their name, address and twitter account name.
If you are one of the first 10 people to receive a key, you will be asked to put your cell phone or any other electronic device you have on you in a provided "safe basket" close by; as we don't want people to be tempted to call, email or text their family or friends about the secret location of the treasure chest(fair play for all!).
If you decline or refuse to put your item in the "safe basket" you will be disqualified and your spot will be given to the next person waiting, no exceptions. Once the winners are established and the hunt is over you can retrieve your item.
We have the right to remove you from your position in the STH at any time if we feel you are helping others in any way; such as giving them the keywords or telling others the location of the secret treasure.
By actively participating in the STH you are agreeing to the above rules and conditions. Rules may be changed or added without notification if unforeseen issues surface later.
Play fair and have FUN....just figure out the secret location of the treasure chest!
Best of luck to all!
STH Team
Here's how the STH will work:
1. First, make sure to sign up for a twitter account ( if you don't already have one; as all clues will originate from our twitter page.
2. Once signed up for a twitter page, be sure to follow us at to look for the daily clues that will be given each morning the week of the STH at 9 AM PST. All STH's will start on a Monday and end on Saturday of the same week.
3. Daily clues and keyword(s) will be given each day, Monday thru Friday, and the last clue will be given on that Saturday at 9 AM as well. Clues could be numbers or letters, questions or answers, general Sacramento trivia or maybe something on another website. You will never have to go any where or purchase anything to get a clue, just follow our twitter account for them.
4. Put all the clues together to figure out where the treasure is located after the last clue on Saturday. The actual treasure will not be put in place until Saturday, so if you think you figured the location out beforehand, just wait till Saturday to go and find it.
5. You will also need to remember all the keywords from each specific day (hint: write them down each day and keep them in order).
6. The first 10 people who show up at the secret treasure location on Saturday between 9 AM and 11 AM, and have the correct keywords, will then choose 1 of 10 keys in order of how they arrived; for one of the keys will open the lock of the treasure chest! The next 100 people who show up will receive special offers from our sponsors (such as gift cards or coupons).
7. Once all 10 keys have been accounted for, each key holder in order will then attempt to open the treasure chest. When the treasure chest is finally opened by one of the key holders, the hunt is officially over at that time. (This part of the STH may be filmed to later publish online so everyone can see the drama of 9 keys not working and only 1 working!)
8. The treasure chest will contain prizes and items from local businesses in the Greater Sacramento area. Over $2,500 in total prizes will be given away for the 1st STH. Be sure to read the Prizes and Sponsors post for all the information.
9. The 2nd thru 9th place participants will receive a Sac Treasure Hunt goodie bag that contains free gifts and prizes as well; so all 10 of the key holders will win something for finding the secret treasure chest location first.
10. As noted previously above, the 11th thru 100th people who find the secret treasure chest location will receive special coupons and offers from our be one of the first 100 people to receive something special on Saturday!
Rules and Conditions:
Must be 18 years and older to participant in the STH. 1st thru 10th place winners must show photo ID and or proof of age to collect prize as well as fill out a simple form with their name, address and twitter account name.
If you are one of the first 10 people to receive a key, you will be asked to put your cell phone or any other electronic device you have on you in a provided "safe basket" close by; as we don't want people to be tempted to call, email or text their family or friends about the secret location of the treasure chest(fair play for all!).
If you decline or refuse to put your item in the "safe basket" you will be disqualified and your spot will be given to the next person waiting, no exceptions. Once the winners are established and the hunt is over you can retrieve your item.
We have the right to remove you from your position in the STH at any time if we feel you are helping others in any way; such as giving them the keywords or telling others the location of the secret treasure.
By actively participating in the STH you are agreeing to the above rules and conditions. Rules may be changed or added without notification if unforeseen issues surface later.
Play fair and have FUN....just figure out the secret location of the treasure chest!
Best of luck to all!
STH Team
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